
Monday, April 20, 2020

School Learning from Home - Finding George Reading

At the moment we can't go to School due to the Coronavirus out - break in New Zealand, so this means we have to do Online Work like many other Schools in the Country.

We have now started Term 2, like many other School's in New Zealand, we have been Completing Tasks on our Class Site that our Teacher has put Online for us.

One of the many Activites was on Anzac Day in New Zealand, We had to Read a Story that was called: "Finding Goerge"Goegre was a German Man, who moved to New Zealand in 1870's, he decided he was going to be in the Amry.
*Here is the Link: Finding George
*You will have to Download the Text, not theText TSM PDF!

Then you had to Write and use your Senses about what you thought it would be like back then.
Here are my Senses about what I thought it would be like then;

What can I see?
I can see Smoke and Gun Powder in the Air.
I can see War Trucks, Guarding and marking their Territory. 
What can I hear?
I can hear horrendously loud Guns being Loaded and Fired.
I can hear the Loud Engine of the Army Trucks. 
What can I smell?
I can smell Gun Powder.
I can smell the Dust.
What am I feeling?
I am feeling nervous because I could be shot anytime, anywhere.
I am feeling surrounded by Angry Crowds of War People. 
What am I tasting?
I am tasting the Anxiousness in my Body.
I am tasting my Soreness of my Arm, Leg and Above my Eye, that has the Shrapnel Disease.
(Shrapnel Disease is Fragments from a Bomb)


  1. You have painted a strong image in our minds by using all of the sense Hayley, well done. It certainly would have been a horrendous experience.

  2. Hi Hayley just seeing if I can comment from my phone

  3. Yes, you can. It worked!

  4. What a thought provoking poem you have written Hayley. Your description brings up clear images of what it must have been like for the Anzac soldiers. Many of them were very young men, some only teenagers, it must have been a terrifying experience for them.

    1. Thank-You for your Comment Whaea Pauline;-)
